Thee Uncommon Podcast

Thee Uncommon Podcast

Hosted by: Phillip Ramsey & Ryan Garvey

Thee Uncommon Podcast celebrates men and women who are walking their uncommon path in life. They are individuals who are thriving in their roles as spouses, parents, and friends. They are high performers in their...

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Seeing & Serving others like Christ w/Anderson Sainci

What does it mean to see others as Christ sees them?  It starts with an understanding that all people - regardless of their ethnic, political or socioeconomic backgrounds - are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27);...
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Why You Need to Create Your FAMLY VISION BOARD

How do you create victorious vision as a family?  Creating victorious vision requires an understanding of your core values. Once you (and your spouse) are clear on your values, you can effectively cast vision to your...
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How to Invest in your Values

What words or pictures come to mind when you hear the word "invest"?  Retirement?Sacrifice? Risky? Delayed gratification?  One important aspect of investing that's too often overlooked is Values.  What are your core...
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Chasing Your Dreams with Intentionality w/Mike Rice

"Every morning we have 2 choices: 1) keep sleeping with our dreams or 2) Get up and chase them!" That's a quote from my guest, Mike Rice. Mike works as an IT Staffing Executive with Golden Technology and has over 20...
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Who Moved My Cheese?

How do you respond to unforeseen change in your life?  Do you panic? Do you curse your misfortune? Do you shrug and smile?  If you follow Jesus, how should you respond to change? It's natural for us to view change as...
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Creating an Uncommon Marriage by Investing in Your Spouse w/Tyler & Tallis Strub

How should you respond when your spouse shares their most audacious dreams with you?  What are the typical responses? Skepticism. Amusement. Fear... What about whole hearted support?  To be sure, there are necessary...
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Leaving a Legacy of Lasting Leadership with Josh Terrell

What do you want your legacy to look like?  What is the legacy you're creating today?  It might be best to start with your definition of "legacy." Is the inheritance you leave behind to loved ones? Maybe it's starting...
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Developing Resiliency through Overcoming Life's Challenges w/Jonathan York

What does it look like to live a resilient life?  Can resiliency only be gained through the gauntlet of unrelenting trials? Or, can resiliency be learned and cultivated by intentionally doing hard things?  In this...
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Transforming Your Identity through Uncommon Goal Setting pt. 2

We continue our conversation from pt 1, as we look at how to create SMART goals, reflect on our motives, and put effective systems in place to give us the best odds for success.   Download our FREE Goals System...
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Thee Fraternity LIVE - Building Deep Bonds w/our Kids through Emotional Labeling

How do we build deep bonds with our kids?  Is it by playing with them at the park? Taking them to their favorite restaurant? Buying them their favorite toy?  While it's good to be aware of our kids' love languages,...
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Transforming Your Identity through Uncommon Goal Setting pt. 1

What kind of goals do you set?  What question are most people trying to answer when they set a goal? What am I trying to achieve?   But is this the right - or most important - question to ask?  What if we reframed...
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Thee Fraternity LIVE - How to Boost our Happy Hormones :)

Ever wonder why sometimes you feel inexplicably happy - while other times you're bummed?  Part of the answer lies in the chemicals produced in our bodies, particularly the chemicals affectionately known as the "happy...
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