Thee Uncommon Podcast

Thee Uncommon Podcast

Hosted by: Phillip Ramsey & Ryan Garvey

Thee Uncommon Podcast celebrates men and women who are walking their uncommon path in life. They are individuals who are thriving in their roles as spouses, parents, and friends. They are high performers in their...

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Walking in God's Calling for Your Life w/Shiraz Siddique

How do you define your calling in life?  Is your calling comprised of what you do in their 9-5?  Does calling consist of the roles we play as spouses, parents, friends, employees?  Or do we each inherently possess a...
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Milestones: Reflecting on 5 years of marriage w/Victoria Garvey (my beautiful wife!) pt. 2 *Mix up your dating life

Why should you & your spouse prioritize dating in your marriage?  If you've been married for more than a year, you've likely learned that infatuation is a phase, and it takes intentionality to maintain the passion...
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Milestones: Reflecting on 5 years of marriage w/Victoria Garvey (my beautiful wife!) pt. 1

How do you keep your marriage, fun, fresh, and Christ-centered?  In this episode, I sit down with my 1-and-only beautiful wifey, Victoria, as we reflect on the last 5 years of our marriage: the good, the bad, and...
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How to Craft your Family Mission Statement

What is your family's mission?  It can be strange to think of your family having a mission, but another way to think of this question would be to consider the nonnegotiable values & principles that guide your...
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Choosing Compassion over Comparison on your Uncommon journey

How do I get my partner to pursue personal growth and success?  This question - or some variation of it - is asked by many individuals who are striving to excel in life. Whether it be elevating their health &...
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Living on through your Legacy Letter

What does legacy mean to you?  Is it an inheritance to your children?  Is it a business that is succeeded after you leave?  Or is your legacy defined by the values and vision you impart to your loved ones?  However...
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MOVE boldly towards what God is calling you to w/Aaron Keller

What does it take to move boldly toward whatever God is calling you?  Short answer: faith Similar to the father of our faith, Abraham, we may experience times where God is calling us to leave what is familiar and...
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Creating your Uncommon journey through clarity, connection & adventure with Kyle Depiesse

What do you do when you discover that the path you're on isn't leading to the Uncommon life you desire?  You create a new path.  Such was the case for our guest today, Kyle Depiesse. Several years back Kyle had...
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Solitude: My reflections from 24 hours spent in dark silence

What comes to mind when you hear the word "solitude"?  Maybe it's loneliness. Maybe boredom.  Maybe you think of prison and solitary confinement. Psychological torture?  What about peace? Clarity? Contentment?...
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3 Ingredients for creating 1 Uncommon year

How do we create an Uncommon life?  An Uncommon life results from the compounded effect of living Uncommon years. So how do we design an Uncommon year?  In this episode we explore 3 "ingredients" to an Uncommon...
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Modeling Joy in all you do with James Sanigular

What are you modeling to those around you?  Who are you a role model to? Your spouse, kids, co-workers, friends, strangers?  And who is a role model to you - whether consciously or subconsciously?  These are just some...
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Does God Laugh at Our Plans?

Does God laugh at our plans?  It's been said, "If you wanna make God laugh, tell Him your plans!" ;D But does God's word reveal about His sovereignty and perspective of our human plans?  Proverbs 19:21 tells us...
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