Thee Uncommon Podcast

Thee Uncommon Podcast

Hosted by: Phillip Ramsey & Ryan Garvey

Thee Uncommon Podcast celebrates men and women who are walking their uncommon path in life. They are individuals who are thriving in their roles as spouses, parents, and friends. They are high performers in their...

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How to Gain Wisdom through the Fear of the Lord

Did you know we're born with only 2 innate fears?  The fear of loud noises The fear of falling down  These fears are hardwired into us to protect us and keep us alive. If this is true, it begs the question: Where do...
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Merging Faith & Fitness on Your Uncommon Journey w/Elizabeth Kirchmeier

1 Timothy 4:8 tells us that, physical training is of some value; but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.  What does it look like to pursue physical...
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5 Ways to Enhance your Romance with Dance w/Victoria!

How do you define 'romance'?  Does romance look like candles, chocolates, and a bouquet of flowers?  Is it a long walk on the beach?  Or maybe it looks more like a heart to heart conversation with your loved...
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Couples Dream Retreat KC Recap!

"Marriage is like a partnership formed to run very small, mundane, and often boring non-profit business... and I mean that in a good way" - Lori Gottlieb  While not the most romantic take on marriage, this is an...
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Strides Against Hunger: Why I'm running 35 miles on my 35th Birthday

When was the last time you wondered where your next meal was coming from?  For most of us, that’s not an uncertainty we often - if ever - experience. Unlike those facing hunger, we don't have to choose between keeping...
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Creating Uncommon Balance with the Life Ledger

  So do not worry, saying ‘ What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom...
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Leaning into the Unknown with Kevin Stittsworth

 What's your natural response to the unknown?  What thoughts or emotions surface when you face uncertainty?  fear? anxiety? helplessness? paralysis? excitement?  Most of us want to to have a game plan for everything -...
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Spur Each Other On: Unpacking Hebrews 10:24, 25

What image comes to mind when you hear the word "spur"?  Most likely, it's the pointy device on a rider's heel which allows them to communicate to their horse through subtle movements. There's a sense of urging and...
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Leading with Positivity, Purpose, and Passion with Drew Harden

What does an amazing company culture look like?  It is an environment where people are truly known, appreciated, and celebrated! There is palpable energy, excitement - even joy - all of which contribute to a thriving...
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5 Ways to WIN the Winter

What is your relationship with winter - specifically with the cold? If you live in a place that experiences winter in its fullest: cold, snow, darkness... it's easy to get bogged down with the "winter blues."  We can...
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Rethinking Drinking: Jump Start a Healthy 2024 with Dry January

What does a healthy 2024 look like for you?  Is it signing up for that gym membership?  Is it reigning in your diet?  Maybe its cutting out unhealthy habits - or even relationships...  In this episode we look at the...
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6 Ways for You to Stop Consuming, and Start CREATING Your Uncommon Life

When was the last time you created something?  When we're young, we create in order to learn about the world and express ourselves. But as we get older, we tend to lose our creative curiosity and artistic expression....
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