113. Painting Millionaires with Robert Timmons

What can happen in your life if you choose to prioritize giving away value to others? 

Zig Ziglar said it best: "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." 

My guest has made this mantra a life mission. 

You’ve heard of the term ‘jack of all trade’ which is often followed by ‘master of none.’ while I’d describe Robert as a bit of a jack of all trades, it’s evident through his passion and dedication that he also seeks mastery in his pursuits, whether painting, financial coaching, speaking, podcasting and more. It’s truly inspiring to see a man who is so ambitious, yet not content with just merely scratching the surface, but going deep in his understanding and skillsets in each area. 

We had an awesome conversation where we discussed topics like: 

  • The importance of coaching and membership in elevating areas of your life and performance
  • His journey in painting and how we conceived of the idea of painting millionaires - and specifically the power in GIVING and adding value to others

We didn’t get a chance to dive into his personal life and his role as a father as we ran out of time… so fingers crossed I can have Robert back as a future guest and get more into the legacy he’s creating there.

Learn more about Robert and connect: