How to Gain Wisdom through the Fear of the Lord

Did you know we're born with only 2 innate fears? 

  1. The fear of loud noises
  2. The fear of falling down 

These fears are hardwired into us to protect us and keep us alive. If this is true, it begs the question: Where do all our other fears come from? 

It turns out that all other fears are LEARNED fears. 
These learned fears are acquired through experiences and environmental cues, mainly negative associations (i.e. a traumatic run-in with a rooster). 

We can also adopt learned fears from other people and the culture at large. For example, if you grew up with parents that fought about money or said things like, "We can't afford it," and "Money doesn't grow on trees," then you might develop the learned fear of a scarcity mindset as an adult. 

But what does God say about our fears? 

In stark contrast to being afraid of various internal & external perceived threats, God's word commands us 365 times, "Do not be afraid." *Hint: that's 1 command for every day of the year. 

However, God does command us to live in the fear of the Lord. This fear is not a trepidation or anxiety caused by impending punishment; rather, it refers to a reverence - an awe and holy devotion to our Creator God. 

In this episode we will unpack the biblical definition of "fear," and explore the relationship between humility, fear, and wisdom. Understanding and embracing this biblical definition of fear will radically transform our view of God, ourselves, and our circumstances. 

As you continue on your own Uncommon journey, know that you can do so without being afraid of the unknown, for God goes before you, He is with you, and He has wonderful plans to prosper - not harm - you! 


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