How to be an Uncommon Leader

How do you define leadership

What are the characteristics of a truly Uncommon leader? 

Are leaders born, made, or a bit of both? 

In this episode, Phillip & Ryan discuss these questions and more in their desire to portray what an Uncommon leaders should look and act like. 

Qualities like humility, integrity, ownership, selflessness, empathy and a servant's heart - all of these comprise Uncommon leadership. 

We look at how Jesus modeled leadership - and how his "upside down" approach contrasts with the all too common selfish, domineering, and outright oppressive leadership exercised in our world today. 

Uncommon leaders are servants; and to be a servant, one must walk in humility and love towards those they lead. 

We also talk about ways to invest in yourself and grow as a leader. Yes, while many individuals are born with innate abilities that lend themselves to leadership, leadership can also be developed over time through intentional effort. Like a muscle, when leadership is consistently exercised it will grow stronger. And if left dormant it will atrophy over time. 

We also discuss the importance of personal brokenness in becoming qualified for leadership, as well as the importance of Uncommon Communion with God to sustain our leadership for His glory. 

The fact is that everyone is a leader to some extent. Regardless of whether you have 1 million loyal followers, or zero people following you - leadership starts with self-leadership. 

How are you leading yourself daily to grown and improve as a man or woman. How are you investing in your knowledge and skills? In what ways are you improving your health & fitness, your relationships, your stewardship, faith and overall life vision? 

Don't strive to gain followers. Just strive to be the best version of your Uncommon self you can be, and you will attract others who want to benefit from your leadership! 


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