Celebrating God's Faithfulness Through the Years w/John Ottley

When did you last take time to purposefully reflect on God's faithfulness to you over your life? 

 Why is reflecting on God's faithfulness important? 

Doing so will actually bolster our own faith in Him, as we recount His blessings and sustaining presence in our lives. Gratitude will help us fix our eyes on what is there, instead of what isn't. When we focus on the ways in which God has blessed us, this thankfulness will produce in us an abiding joy that the world can't touch. 

In today's episode, I sit down with John Ottley, who is a shining example of a man who regularly reflects on God's faithfulness to him over 67 years of life. John share how he came to faith in Jesus as a young man living in a broken home. He remembers the men and women who invested in his faith, and modeled a Christian walk. 

John also shares how his faith in Christ has helped him to faithfully work for and enjoy a marriage of 44 years to his wife Kathleen. And he also talks about how God has empowered him to be a faithful and present father and grandfather. 

John shares about his work as a chaplain in corporate America, and the importance of cultivating listening skills and kindness as we interact with lost people in need of a saving relationship with Christ. 

Finally, John opens up about the vision he seeks to cast for himself and his family; a vision of abundant love and satisfaction in God's presence. 

Be inspired and encouraged to take time to reflect on God's faithfulness in your own life. Take time to journal, pray and thank God for His unfailing love. And if you don't know God, ask Him to reveal Himself - He is faithful to respond to all who call on him with a heart of desire!


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