Choosing Compassion over Comparison on your Uncommon journey

How do I get my partner to pursue personal growth and success? 

This question - or some variation of it - is asked by many individuals who are striving to excel in life. Whether it be elevating their health & fitness, reigning in their finances, investing in their relationships, advancing in their careers, etc... the temptation is to look at those close to us and wonder, 

Why aren't they doing the same thing as me?

Don't they see how hard I'm working, and the results I'm getting? 

And while these questions can be well-intentioned, they are far from helpful. 

These questions breed comparison, and will only serve to build up our pride while alienating those we care about. 

This is why we need to choose COMPASSION over comparison. Instead of wondering why our spouses, kids, friends and others aren't working as hard as we are, let's approach others with curiosity and appreciation for who they are and the areas in which they are excelling. 

While it's OK to want to see the people in your life elevate along with you, it's crucial to model HUMILITY and lead by example. Actions speak louder than words. 

Don't put unfair expectations on others for the growth you think they should be demonstrating in the time frame you think is best. Rather, practice empathy, being aware of the challenges they may be facing when it comes to their own growth. Be willing to ask good questions, while also affirming them in the areas you see them excelling. 

In time, your consistent example and encouragement may be the catalyst that inspires them to take action and pursue their own growth! 


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