MOVE boldly towards what God is calling you to w/Aaron Keller

What does it take to move boldly toward whatever God is calling you? 

Short answer: faith

Similar to the father of our faith, Abraham, we may experience times where God is calling us to leave what is familiar and "safe" and instead go to a place he will reveal to us. 

It's intimidating to venture out without having the final destination, without knowing what might happen, but it's also the starting place for adventure and transformation! And when we will just take that 1st step and move, there's no telling what God will do! 

In today's episode I speak with Aaron Keller, Pastor & Director of MOVE Ministries, a missions organization of Open Bible churches & global missions that empowers men to be leaders who serve by investing in Christian communities around the world through the construction of churches and ministry buildings. 

Aaron shares his story of coming to know the Lord and answering God's call to be a pastor, and highlights how his faith in Jesus empowers and impacts him in his roles as a husband and father. 

Aaron talks about MOVE's mission and how it's evolved over the course of 30+ years! He shares 1st hand stories of men who have obeyed God's call to move and serve on a missions trip, and the radical transformation that the men experience. 

If you would like to learn more about MOVE and how to get involved, check out the following: 


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