Creating your Uncommon journey through clarity, connection & adventure with Kyle Depiesse

What do you do when you discover that the path you're on isn't leading to the Uncommon life you desire? 

You create a new path. 

Such was the case for our guest today, Kyle Depiesse. Several years back Kyle had essentially achieved the American dream: a secure job with benefits and generous salary. And yet, he found himself frustrated, unfulfilled, a corporate burnout, and seriously reassessing his definition of success. 

He knew there had to be more. 

To compound matters, he and his wife had just welcomed the birth of their son, and Kyle had no interest in missing out on his son growing up while he commuted 2 hours round trip to his 9-5. 

So he and his wife decided he would get a promotion unlike the many he'd received to date. He was promoted to stay at home dad. He was able to be present as a father, focus on his own well being, and revisit an idea that wouldn't leave him alone. 

Guy's Trip was born out of Kyle's realization of his own personal need for community and adventure as an avenue for clarity and growth as a man. He enjoyed traveling, and he understood the benefit of doing hard things as a way to foster creativity and resourcefulness.

So he kicked off this new adventure by inviting a group to a cabin in northern Minnesota back in 2020. There's been golfing and NASCAR pit stops, fly fishing, wake surfing, dog sledding, and much more. And through the fun and challenging moments, men have opened up and shared honestly about their lives: their dreams, struggles, aspirations, challenges, etc. and experienced real growth! As Kyle puts it, "You give men what they think they want, in order to give them what they truly need." 

It truly was a joy to speak with Kyle on everything from marriage & communication, to fatherhood and rites of passage, to the role of faith in creating true community, and much more!

You can learn more about Kyle and what makes him Uncommon by following him on instagram

Also check out to learn more about his mission and upcoming trips

You can also read Kyle's book 


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