Solitude: My reflections from 24 hours spent in dark silence

What comes to mind when you hear the word "solitude"? 

Maybe it's loneliness. Maybe boredom. 

Maybe you think of prison and solitary confinement. Psychological torture? 

What about peace? Clarity? Contentment? Gratitude? 

Depending on one's approach and mindset going in, the experience can be largely positive or negative.  

For starters, we can define solitude as a state of peaceful aloneness or voluntary isolation that offers prolonged self-reflection in the absence of distraction or disturbance. 

In this episode, Ryan shares his thoughts & reflections after spending 24 continuous hours in dark & silent solitude. He share his experience of removing all sight and sound, and the clarity and gratitude - and yes, boredom - he felt in that time. 

Solitude is an ancient practice that possesses many health and spiritual benefits. And it's a discipline that anyone can add to their lives in order to clear their minds, practice productive pause, and get clear on their values and vision for life. 

What might your practice of solitude look like? You can start today!

You don't have to be in complete dark or silence. Just take some time to be by yourself and with your Creator, and listen



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