3 Ingredients for creating 1 Uncommon year

How do we create an Uncommon life? 

An Uncommon life results from the compounded effect of living Uncommon years. So how do we design an Uncommon year? 

In this episode we explore 3 "ingredients" to an Uncommon year: 

  1. 1 misogi challenge
  2. 6 mini adventures
  3. 1 quarterly habit for success

We look at how the misogi challenge will help you set the tone for your year as you achieve a seemingly insurmountable challenge and experience transformation. From there you will purposefully plan 6 mini adventures throughout your year. Think of these as smaller vacations or experiences that you've never had before. They can be individual or as a couple or family. 

You will also identify and implement 1 positive habit each quarter (4 total). Think about the state of your physical, mental or emotional health, opportunities for growth, and identify what discipline(s) will help you take these areas to the next level. You can also implement habits around your finances, faith, relationships, leadership, etc.... whatever excites/inspires you! 

Don't just listen to this episode and move on with your life... take action! 



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Stay Uncommon!