Seeing & Serving others like Christ w/Anderson Sainci

What does it mean to see others as Christ sees them? 

It starts with an understanding that all people - regardless of their ethnic, political or socioeconomic backgrounds - are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27); and as such, are endowed with inherent dignity and worth. 

We are then able to look past our differences and celebrate our union in Christ. Because Jesus gave of Himself on the cross, He has destroyed all barriers and overcome all hostility, reconciling man to God, and man to man. 

In this episode, Ryan & Anderson discuss this good news, and explore how the power of the gospel shines the light of hope into the most pressing issues of our day. In our efforts to assist those who are struggling - whether with poverty, illness, or disadvantages of all kinds - we can first acknowledge our own brokenness and redemption in Christ, and then affirm others in their God-given gifts, abilities, and worth! 

The question for us to ask God is, "Lord, what would you have me do?" How can we seek to serve those less fortunate and/or marginalized, while also realizing we have much to learn from them? By God's grace and wisdom we can! 


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