Why You Need to Create Your FAMLY VISION BOARD

How do you create victorious vision as a family? 

Creating victorious vision requires an understanding of your core values. Once you (and your spouse) are clear on your values, you can effectively cast vision to your family, and work together to design your compelling future! If you've never discovered your Core Values before, you can download our awesome worksheet here: Discover Your Core Values worksheet

One of the most Uncommon tools at your disposal is the Family Vision Board. No, we're not talking manifesting yachts & Maseratis. What we're talking about is creating a prominent display of your family's mission, vision, and goals for the year! 

What are some items to include on your Vision Board? 

  1. Your family values & mission statement
  2. Your Word of the Year
  3. Memory verse of the month
  4. Celebrate a family member (weekly or bi-weekly) 
  5. The experiences and memories you want to share for the year.

You can categorize these experiences into: (1) Boulders - BIG trips and experiences you do once in a while; (2) Rocks - medium sized experiences every month or so;
and (3) Pebbles - the small weekly and daily experiences you want to share like going to the pool or reading together. 

So why should you make a family vision board? 

Doing so will have numerous benefits like: 

  • creating unified vision in your marriage and family 
  • empowering your children by involving them in family decisions 
  • ensuring accountability to the plans & commitments you make as a family 
  • filling your year with intentional & memorable experiences & life-long memories

...and more! So don't delay, get started today, and create Victorious Vision the Uncommon way! 


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