Who Moved My Cheese?

How do you respond to unforeseen change in your life? 

Do you panic? Do you curse your misfortune? Do you shrug and smile? 

If you follow Jesus, how should you respond to change? It's natural for us to view change as an inconvenience or even a threat to our well being. But what if we viewed change as a chance to place greater faith in God, die to ourselves, and receive new opportunities and blessings from our God who loves us? 

In his groundbreaking book, Who Moved My Cheese? author Spencer Johnson tells a fable of 4 characters who live in a maze and love cheese. But one day, their endless supply of cheese vanishes! While 2 of the characters immediately set off into the unfamiliar maze in search of new cheese, the other 2 characters waste ample time complaining and feeling sorry for themselves. Rather than ask important questions like, "Why did the cheese vanish?" or "How can we discover new cheese?" they demand to know who moved their cheese. 

What do you desire most in life? 

This is an important question for us to regularly reflect on. Is it an improved relationship? A new or "better" job? Better health? More money, popularity, happiness? And what do you believe is standing in your way of having your desires fulfilled? 

The temptation is for us to look externally and blame others or our circumstances for our desires not being met. One truth remains: change is inevitable. The quicker we can come to terms with change and adapt, the more satisfaction we will have in life. 

As you walk your own Uncommon path, make sure you anticipate, monitor, adapt to change - and change yourself! And you will end up enjoying change, because it keeps your sharp and produces growth! 



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