Creating an Uncommon Marriage by Investing in Your Spouse w/Tyler & Tallis Strub

How should you respond when your spouse shares their most audacious dreams with you? 

What are the typical responses? Skepticism. Amusement. Fear...

What about whole hearted support? 

To be sure, there are necessary questions to be asked, and a certain level of pragmatism to be exercised. But what if we leaned into supporting and encouraging our partner to shoot for the stars, to blaze their own Uncommon path? 

What if one of the best ways for us to love our spouses is to fully support and invest in their dreams? 

That was my conversation with Tyler and Tallis Strub. They are a couple who is walking their own Uncommon path in their marriage, as parents, in their work, and in casting victorious vision for their future! 

In this episode you will hear: 

  • their story of how they got together as high school sweet hearts, fell in love and got married (awwww)
  • how Tallis took the former Des Moines Ballroom, breathed new life into it and made it the success it is today. Check out their classes here:
  • how Tallis started her own podcast, When We Arise, which empowers women to enter into God's presence through dance. You can listen here:  
  • and how as a couple, Tyler and Tallis encourage and speak life into each other's dreams, while casting unified vision for their family legacy

They also share their 1 word they believe best describes the other person - you'll wanna hear that!


As always, thanks for listening and please follow, rate, review and share our show! 

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