Developing Resiliency through Overcoming Life's Challenges w/Jonathan York

What does it look like to live a resilient life? 

Can resiliency only be gained through the gauntlet of unrelenting trials? Or, can resiliency be learned and cultivated by intentionally doing hard things? 

In this episode, Ryan sits speaks with Jonathan York with Resilient Man Project

Jonathan shares his story of overcoming addiction and cultivating resiliency through the many challenges he's faced in life. Jonathan tells about how he placed his faith in Jesus Christ while in prison, then later met the love of his wife, started a family, as well as a successful business. 

Today, Jonathan's mission is to share his story - as well as the stories of others - who have developed resiliency through their own trials. 

It's true that as we all navigate our own Uncommon paths, we too will need resiliency to overcome inevitable trials and setbacks. 

Be encouraged by James 1:2-4 which says, Count it all joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 


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