Thee Fraternity LIVE - Elevating our Marriages through Emotional Intelligence

How can emotional intelligence help us elevate our marriages? 

When we understand that there are different chemicals at play in our own - as well as our spouse's - body and emotions, then we can begin the work towards producing the positive chemicals, and limiting the negative (harmful) chemicals. 

Did you know that there are some simple skills we can learn & practice that will actually decrease cortisol aka the "stress hormone," and increase oxytocin aka the "bonding chemical"? 

Skills like emotional labeling, active listening or mirroring, and resisting avoidance of tough subjects can each help us to increase oxytocin in our wives as well as ourselves, thereby deepening our bond of intimacy and trust. 

And fear not - if you struggle in this area (and who of us does not?), these skills can be learned; but it does take time and commitment! It's important to remember that we're playing the long game here. Our efforts won't often result in the instant gratification we experience from dopamine hits, but even better - we will build a strong foundation that deepens over time and helps us to create and sustain a truly Uncommon marriage! 

Check out the in love while parenting app, as well as the Human Improvement Project for all their video resources on EQ. 


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