Transforming Your Identity through Uncommon Goal Setting pt. 1

What kind of goals do you set? 

What question are most people trying to answer when they set a goal? 
What am I trying to achieve? 

 But is this the right - or most important - question to ask? 

What if we reframed goal setting with the question: Who am I trying to become? 

 In this episode Phil & Ryan look at an Uncommon but effective approach to goal setting that focuses on 2 main aspects: 

  1. Creating SMART goals
  2. Creating identity-based goals 

By aligning our goals with our core values and attaching them to a greater vision of who we aspire to become, we can guard against feelings of burn out and let down, and ensure that we stay motivated for long term success and transformation. 

Download our FREE Goals System worksheet and start creating your own Uncommon goals today! 


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