Thee Fraternity LIVE - Pursuing Passion in our Profession

How important is passion in your work? 

Is it reasonable for us to desire to do a job that aligns with our passions? Or should our priority be to just work hard and provide for our families? And are those mutually exclusive, or can we have both? 

In this episode we discuss the relationship of passion to the work we do. Some seasons of our vocational lives align more with our passions, while other seasons find us struggling to feel fulfilled in our work. We may have to persevere in a work situation that poses many struggles. But how might God be growing you & preparing you for a future calling? 

Several truths from God's word can provide us with healthy perspective on our work: 

  • 1 Tim 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain 
  • Luke 16:10 Whoever can be trusted with little can be trusted with much; and whoever is dishonest with little will also be dishonest with much 

Let us strive to work with contentment and gratitude, allowing God's Spirit to produce these virtues in us. And may we be prove ourselves faithful stewards of the work God has called us to today - and trust in His timing & perfect will to unfold in our work lives. 

As always, thanks for listening and please follow, rate, review and share our show! 

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