Thee Fraternity LIVE - Avoiding burnout through rhythms of rest

What is burnout and how do we avoid it? 

On this call we discussed the importance & value of hard work, and the ever-present threat of burnout to knock us off course. 

God has given us the mandate to create and cultivate, and to identity with Him in our work - and also in our rest. The 4th commandment - and the most descriptive - is to honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Just as God rested from His work of creation on the 7th day, He has called us - blessed us - with a day of rest from our work. Honoring the Sabbath is a true test of obedience and faith. And make no mistake: resting is for our own good, and can actually benefit and enhance the work we do. 

Whatever rest looks like for you, our encouragement is to prioritize time in the Lord's presence. The temptation will always be to complete just 1 more task on our endless to-do lists. But if we will resist the urge to be a 'Martha' and surrender to God's call to be a 'Mary' and sit at the Lord's feet, we will discover the one thing that is better that productivity: contentment and peace in the presence of our God. 

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