What I (Ryan) learned from my weekend with 200 dads

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What would it look like to spend an entire weekend in a hotel ballroom with 200 other dads? 

In this episode, Ryan shares about such an experience as he attended a dad's conference. We talk about the challenges and benefits of entering into times of intensive community and group work, and the healing that happens as well as the vision that is born. 

Ryan also shares about the importance of putting a plan of action into place after attending such a conference. It's one thing to go, interact and take in a ton of great info; it's another thing to actually implement it in the long term. 

So our question to you: What would it look like for you to participate in one of our Uncommon Experiences? Or to put it another way: What is at stake if you choose not to participate? What adventures will you forfeit? What friendships will you miss out on? What vision or dreams might you fail to give life to? 

Don't live a life of "what ifs" - but rather live a life of action, growth and adventure. You've got so much to lose, but everything to gain. 

thanks for listening, please be sure to follow, rate/review and share the show!