Victorious Vision - Using Affirmations & Visualization to Design Your Uncommon Life

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How do you create a Victorious Vision for your life? Where do you want to get to, and who do you want to become? 

In this episode, Phillip & Ryan unpack the benefits of affirmations and visualization in designing your ideal life. 

We're not talking about the new age concept of manifesting. We are not promoting a pseudoscientific self-help strategy based on law of attraction where you just think really hard about something you want, make a vision board, mutter some mantras, and POOF! your desired outcome magically appears.

We're talking about the daily discipline of training your mind to focus on who you desire to become, and the life you aspire to live. As Philippians 4:8 tells us: Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, or admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. That's our goal with affirmations. 

"Affirmations are one of the most effective tools for quickly becoming the person you need to be to achieve everything you want in your life. Affirmations allow you to design and then develop the mindset (thoughts, beliefs, focus) that you need to take any area of your life to the next level" (The Miracle Morning, 66)

From this place of positive affirmations, you can begin to visualize the life you want to live into. Visualization refers to the process of using your imagination to create vivid pictures of your desired outcomes, and to regularly meditate on these visual outcomes. This is widely practiced by successful athletes, businesspeople and other leaders to enable them to picture the success they’re pursuing. 

Check out our FREE PDF to create your own affirmations and visualizations so you can start designing your Uncommon life today: file:///Users/Ryan/Downloads/affirmations_and_visualizations_fillable%20(1).pdf 

Also check out the following resources: