Stellar Stewardship - How to exceptionally manage your time, talents and treasures

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 When it comes to your time, talents, and treasures - are you an owner or a manager? 

In this episode, Phillip and Ryan unpack the idea of stewardship, the exceptional management of our God-given resources. What does it look like to be a faithful steward of what God has entrusted to us? 

When we view what we have as gifts, rather than personal possessions, we step into the freedom of living selfless instead of selfish, and can focus on generosity instead of greed. 

Our encouragement to you is to: 

  1. Take inventory of your time, talents and resources. How have you been gifted with (1) time to serve and invest in others; (2) talents to bless and teach others; and (3) money/possessions to share with - and even give - to others
  2. Express gratitude for what you have.
  3. Reflect on your current level of stewardship: are you being an owner or a manager? Are you sharing, or hoarding? 
  4. Determine in what way(s) you need to start practicing stewardship, and make the changes - you won't regret it! 

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