$898.00 USD


Thee Uncommon's 1st Annual Couple's Dream Retreat

Don't settle for another common Valentine's Day... 

Join us for our an UNCOMMON Couple's Dream Retreat in Kansas City this February! 

 Tentative itinerary: *a more detailed itinerary will be provided several weeks before the retreat

  • Thursday (2/15): Drive to KC and meet at Ryan & Phil's AirBnB by 4:15. We'll kick off our weekend with a fun activity. You'll have time to drop off your belongings at your hotel, and then head to our dinner by 6. After our dinner, you'll work through the 1st section of your Vision packet. 

  • Friday (2/16): The morning is yours! Find a coffee shop or cafe to enjoy a delicious breakfast as you work through the next section of your Vision packet. 
    You can meet us for an optional group lunch, 
    followed by another fun group activity at 1!  

    You'll have more time that afternoon to work through your packet, then we'll enjoy an amazing dinner that evening, followed by a unique breakout time for men and women. 

  • Saturday (2/17): Breakfast at our AirBNB, and a final group activity and closing "ceremony." Then on the road back home! 

What you'll experience during the weekend... and beyond: 

  • FUNcommon activities that challenge your mind and body, spark creativity, and allow you to build friendships with your fellow Uncommoners

  • Intentional time where you and your spouse can enjoy quality connection and dream together for your marriage and family

  • Additional materials/resources to empower you to continue to cast Victorious Vision! 

  • *Bonus: an invitation to our virtual happy hour in March to reconnect as a group after the retreat!